Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mesothelioma The 3 Main Types

In general, mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Different types of mesothelioma are distinguished between by where the cancer is growing. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common, accounting for 75% of all mesothelioma cases, is where cancerous cells develop on the lining of the lungs. The next most common form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma and this is where cancerous cells grow on the peritoneum which is the lining of the abdomen. Pericardial mesothelioma, the least common major form of mesothelioma, makes up roughly 5% of all mesothelioma cases. This is where malignant cancer cells grow on the lining of the heart.

All three of these forms of mesothelioma are caused by asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was discovered around the 1860s. Due to its highly useful property of being fireproof, asbestos was used greatly in construction in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. It was not until the early 1960s when the severe health hazards that asbestos causes were discovered, that asbestos stopped being used. When exposed to asbestos with insufficient protection a person will breathe in tiny asbestos fibres which are suspended in the air. These fibres pass into the respiratory system until they become lodged in the lining of the lungs. Over time, an accumulation of these asbestos fibres in the lungs can cause pleural mesothelioma. Asbestos fibres may also pass into the lymphatic system and be transported to either the lining of the abdomen or the tissue surrounding the heart. This may cause either peritoneal mesothelioma or pericardial mesothelioma.

In terms of symptoms, the three main types of mesothelioma have some symptoms in common with each other. These symptoms are usual of all three types: chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, coughing up blood, vomiting, nausea, weight loss and loss of appetite. An additional symptom of pericardial mesothelioma is palpitations.

There are a few treatments for all types of mesothelioma but none of these have a high success rate. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on how early and how aggressively the cancer is treated. If the cancerous cells are treated when they have fully matured and developed then it is unlikely that treatment methods will be successful. Treatment methods include chemotherapy which is the use of drugs to kill the cancer, radiation therapy which uses a radiation dosage to kill off cancerous cells and surgery which attempts to gain long term control over the cancer by removing a large portion of malignant cells. These treatment methods can be combined in the form of dual therapy.

For more information on pericardial mesothelioma such as the risks, causes, symptoms and treatments go to:

Lung Cancer Stages

Cancers are staged depending on how far they have spread. Staging a cancer correctly is essential to select the most appropriate treatment option. A number of diagnostic tests, such as CT scans, MRIs, bronchoscopy, blood tests, bone scans, and biopsies are used to find out how far the cancer has spread.

Non-small cell lung cancers, which account for about 80 percent of lung cancers, are staged using the Roman numerals 0 through IV. If a cancer is too small to be detected, it is called an occult or hidden cancer and not assigned any numeral. Stage 0 cancer, or carcinoma in situ, is limited to the lung and only involves a few layers of cells. Stage I cancer is still limited to the lung, with an area of normal tissue surrounding it. Stage I cancers are further divided into Stage IA and Stage IB, depending on the size of the tumor. In stage II cancer, the cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, the chest wall, the diaphragm, or to the tissues lining the lung (pleura) and the heart (pericardium). In stage III cancer, lymph nodes in the central chest or on the other side of the body from the original tumor are involved. Stage III cancer is further divided into stage IIIA and stage IIIB. In stage IV cancer, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver, bones or brain, or to a lobe of the other lung. Cancers that are stages 0 through IIIA may be treated with surgery. Treatment of stage III and stage IV cancers requires chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Small cell lung cancer has two stages. Limited-stage cancer is limited to only one lung, the tissues between the lungs, and nearby lymph nodes. In extensive-stage small cell lung cancer, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. The brain is commonly involved in extensive-stage cancer.

Lung Cancer provides detailed information on Asbestos Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer Stages, Lung Cancer Survival Rate and more. Lung Cancer is affiliated with Asbestos Exposure.

Let's Talk About Hormones What Every Woman Needs To Know

I have recently observed a number of women friends and acquaintances, who have had their HRT therapy - a combination of the pharmaceutical drugs Premarin (pregnant mares urine) and Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) - discontinued by their physicians. Suddenly, women ranging from their 50's to late 70's are suffering from hot flashes, vaginal dryness, weight gain, fatigue and worse. Another group are told not to worry about HRT as long as they only use it for three to four years. This confusing position has resulted from the information published in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study on HRT published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, (JAMA), July 17, 2002, Vol. 288, No. 3.

For women who think that the risk factors that have shown up in the WHI-HRT study are new, I would encourage them to locate a women's magazine that dates prior to July 2002 and have a look at the back of the Premarin and PremPro ads that were often found in those magazines. Be aware that the print is very small. The topic Dangers of Estrogen is very prominent as is the topic Side Effects. The WHI-HRT study just validates that those dangers and side effects are real and actually effect women, women who are our friends and our relatives.

In revisiting the WHI Study at a few interesting things came to light.

The WHI study recruited 16,608 healthy women to participate in the study of Premarin and Provera. Forty-two percent (42%) on HRT and thirty-eight percent (38%) on the placebo group left the study before the end of 5 years! Those in the HRT group left because of side effects according to the study. Others left at the two and one-half mark when a letter was sent to them encouraging them to stay in the study even though the results showed an increase in blood clots, stroke and heart disease at that point. Many believe that the results would have been much worse had these women continued in the study. An incredible forty-two percent of those healthy women chosen to participate in the WHI fell out of the study in the first couple of years because they didn't like the side effects of the drugs. If all those women had continued, or if they hadn't limited the study to healthy women, there would have been a much higher rate of all adverse events (breast cancer, heart attacks, thromboembolism blood clots).... says Dr. David Zava, PhD., breast cancer researcher.

The JAMA call it a large randomized trial. It could also be considered a well-controlled study of healthy women of our day. WHY? - because only healthy women were allowed into the study. They controlled the number of women who were over weight - the average body mass index being 28.5. They did not accept a representative number of women who had been treated for diabetes, women that had or were using hormones, women who had given birth during the higher risk years - before twenty or after thirty, women who had heart problems or a history of any heart problems. They even controlled the number of women who had relatives who had breast cancer. Remember, we are talking about women between the ages of 50 and 79 who participated in the study, not 35 to 40 year old women! How many women in that age group do you know who would qualify for this study? In fact this study represents less than twenty percent of the population. According to Dr. David Zava you can't extrapolate study results from a population of healthy women to the entire population. The results are actually much worse than they appear to be because of the selection bias.

The downplaying of the risk of using HRT is a travesty. The late John R. Lee MD and author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer suggested that it has become unethical for doctors to prescribe HRT to women. To suggest as some do to use HRT for only two or three years seems ridiculous in light of the fact that the study was only a five-year study. The study clearly shows that heart attacks, strokes and blood clots affecting women began from day one of the study and continued though out the study. That would mean that the risks would always be present for anyone who goes on short term HRT.

While it is tempting to say that this is all the healthcare system's problem or that it is the fault of the profit driven pharmaceutical companies, the solution may lay closer to home. It appears that we are being told what we are eager to hear and only being sold what we are eager to buy. A pill to solve our hot flashes, make us beautiful as we age and prevent our diseases all without effort on our part. We want shortcuts and we want them now!

The WHI-HRT study was a good thing, maybe even a great thing. What it truly told us is that a large percentage of healthy women who use drug therapies to deal with hormone challenges will get sick...breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots in their lungs just to name a few. Women who are not healthy... should not go near HRT because of the potential for life threatening drug induced disease.

The good news for women who decide to discontinue traditional (synthetic) hormone replacement therapy is that there are a number of safe, effective and natural alternatives to choose from. It is critical that women become informed and take control of their own hormone health. The decision is up to us and it may be the most important decision we will ever make!

This Article Is Copywright 2006 Jackie L. Harvey & Saliva Testing com

Jackie Harvey is a nutritional speaker who shares her interest and information on hormone health and saliva testing throughout North America in her popular Let's Talk About Hormones seminar. Visit her website for a schedule of events in your area and for more information about her Best Selling 1-hour video Let's Talk About Hormones with Jackie Harvey. Click For More information on Saliva Hormone Testing and Hormone Balancing

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finding the Spirit Identifying the Enemy

In the daily fight for survival our vision is blurred because our health is compromised. This is when the enemy attacks- we lose focus and become vulnerable. We doubt our inner strength and become discouraged and depressed.

Sometimes it seems like the fates are against us. However, life's obstacles should not deter us from our personal triumphs. We must forge upward and onward to meet our goals; not necessarily our destiny.

Be vigilant; protect the spirit. Remember the enemy is sneaky and dangerous. My enemy is Breast Cancer. Who or what is your enemy? Have you identified it? If you have, ask yourself a few questions and solidify a plan of action.

Cling steadfastly to beliefs. Sometimes it becomes our sole life line; our saving grace. During the darkest hours of the storm it can become impossible to hold on. But hold on we must. We must weather the storm. It may be necessary to go outside our comfort zone. It may be time to re- examine our lives, question our beliefs, and make life changing decisions.

Establish and develop a relationship with God. It is the single most proactive choice we can make. Faith is nothing if it is not tested and tried. Stand firmly on it; focus steadily on the enemy, and never lose site of goals. Rebuke the demon daily in the name of Jesus and through it all laugh; it is therapeutic.

We handle the things that we can and stay optimistic, trusting in our hearts and in our souls that God will bring us through the storm. If we believe and have faith as tiny as a mustard seed we will be able to move mountains. Stop worrying and feeling sorry for self; fight with every fiber of the being. Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

The enemy must not take control of the mind, the intellect, and/ or the soul. Keep it at bay; pray, pray, pray. Stay optimistic and nourish the spirit regularly to keep it strong and centered.

The spirit is the core of the being- it needs sustenance. Let the spirit drink the nourishment provided by the Lord as it hungers for righteousness. Remember the spirit can grow weak but it will never die. Inner strength comes from the God within. It doesn?t take an awful lot to revive the spirit. Prayer and meditation does; the Word of God fortifies the soul; they are free and always available.

Faith, prayers and the Word of God: therein lays the inner strength in the midst of our personal turmoil.

Faced with the challenge of life or death, I chose life and in doing so, I made a conscious decision to be a survivor of the dreaded disease - Breast Cancer. I let go and let God, knowing that He is well able to handle any circumstance. I put breast cancer behind me and God ahead of me, in the order it was meant to be, and God gave me the victory. Today I am living with the effects of Chemo and Radiation treatments but I am living cancer free.

Treatment Options for Colorectal Cancer

The treatment depends on the staging of the cancer. When colorectal cancer is caught at early stages (with little spread) it can be curable. However when it is detected at later stages (when distant [[metastasismetastases are present) it is less likely to be curable.

Surgery remains the primary treatment while chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may be recommended depending on the individual patient's staging and other medical factors.


Surgical treatment is by far the most likely to result in a cure of colon cancer if the tumor is localized. Very early cancer that develops within a polyp can often be cured by removing the polyp at the time of colonoscopy. More advanced cancers typically require surgical removal of the section of colon containing the tumor leaving sufficient margins to reduce likelihood of re-growth. If possible, the remaining parts of colon are anastomosed together to create a functioning colon. In cases when anastomosis is not possible, a stoma (artificial orifice) is created. While surgery is not usually offered if significant metastasis is present, surgical removal of isolated liver metastases is common. Improved chemotherapy has increased the number of patients who are offered surgical removal of isolated liver metastases.

Laparoscopic assist resection of the colon for tumour can reduce the size of painful incision and minimize the risk of infection. As with any surgical procedure, colorectal surgery can in rare cases result in complications. These may include infection, abscess, fistula or bowel obstruction.


Chemotherapy is used to reduce the likelihood of metastasis developing, shrink tumour size, or slow tumor growth. Chemotherapy is often applied after surgery (adjuvant), before surgery (neo-adjuvant), or as the primary therapy if surgery is not indicated (palliative). The treatments listed here have been shown in clinical trials to improve survival and/or reduce mortality and have been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration. Adjuvant (after surgery) chemotherapy. One regimen involves the combination of infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) Leucovorin (LV) Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin?) Capecitabine (Xeloda?)

Chemotherapy for metastatic disease. Commonly used first line regimens involve the combination of infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) with bevacizumab or infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) with bevacizumab 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) Leucovorin Irinotecan Oxaliplatin Bevacizumab Cetuximab

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is used to kill tumor tissue before or after surgery or when surgery is not indicated. Sometimes chemotherapy agents are used to increase the effectiveness of radiation by sensitizing tumor cells if present. Radiotherapy is not used routinely in colorectal cancer, as it could lead to radiation enteritis, and is difficult to target specific portions of the colon, but may be used on metastatic tumor deposits if they compress vital structures and/or cause pain. There may be a role for post-operative adjuvant radiation in the case where a tumor perforates the colon as judged by the surgeon or the pathologist. However, as the area of the prior tumor site can be difficult (if not impossible) to ascertain by imaging, surgical clips need to be left in the colon to direct the radiotherapist to the area of risk.


Bacillus Calmette-Gu?rin (BCG) is gaining prominence as a complementary theraputic agent in the treatment of colorectal cancer. A review of results from recent clinical trials is given in Mosolits et al.

Support Therapies

Cancer diagnosis very often results in an enormous change in the patient's psychological wellbeing. Various support resources are available from, hospitals and other agencies which provide counseling, social service support, cancer support groups, and other services. These services help to mitigate some of the difficulties of integrating a patient's medical complications into other parts of their life.

William Ransom provides information of Colon cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment at

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The internet has embellish a rattling super mart where thousands of stores delude every the goods that is demanded by customers, and jillions favour to class online kinda than to intend cragfast in traffic, clear wanted instance to encounter a fit parking blot and then move in bounteous lines to clear for what they purchased.

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So if you aren't doing it yet, move shopping online and you'll presently conceive that the advantages of doing it attain old-fashioned shopping a squander of instance and modify of money. It's fun, safe, and practical, so provide it a essay and you'll hit a gratifying surprise.

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Friday, November 28, 2008

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Chris Robertson is an communicator of Majon International, digit of the worlds MOST favourite internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more most Shopping Online for your Discounts or Majon's Shopping - General directory

Understanding and Recognizing the Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma Cancer

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a serious malignant tumor that affects the torso of the human body. There is a strong link between mesothelioma and contact with asbestos particles via breathing or swallowing.

There are three common forms of mesothelioma:

1. Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common form of Mesothelioma. It starts in the chest cavity (after breathing the particles) before spreading to other areas.

2. Peritoneal Mesothelioma starts in the abdomen (after swallowing the particles) and accounts for about 10-20% of Mesothelioma patients.

3. Pericardial Mesothelioma is the rarest form of Mesothelioma. It starts in the cavity that surrounds the heart.

Mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose early on because the symptoms are often mistaken for those of other, less serious ailments. To make matters worse, it often takes many years for the symptoms to show up after the contact with asbestos takes place. Individuals with a history of extended asbestos exposure are at the highest risk for developing malignant mesothelioma. Even a small exposure to this cancer-causing material can result in malignant mesothelioma. However, mesothelioma has a latency of up to thirty-forty years, and many individuals previously exposed to asbestos are now displaying symptoms. This means the average age of mesothelioma patients is between 50 and 70 years. Men are typically affected more, because of the common presence of asbestos in industrial settings. There are three major types of malignant mesothelioma. Epithelial, sarcomatoid, and mixed. Epithelial mesothelioma is most common. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to respiratory distress, a lasting cough, and pneumonia. In addition, symptoms are often mistaken for less serious ailments, and many patients do not show any signs at all.

Individuals with pleural mesothelioma may amass some fluid between the lung lining and chest cavity. This can be detected through a chest x-ray, as well as CT scans.

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma is based on a biopsy. This exam will test a tissue sample for the presence of malignant and/or pleural mesothelioma.

Causes of Mesothelioma

Asbestos is the principal cause of Mesothelioma. Asbestos is a type of insulation material, which was commonly utilized in the past in the following industries:

Steel Workers

Brake Mechanics



Ship fitters

Maintenance Workers

Pipe Fitters

Construction industry

Shipbuilding industry

Automotive industry

Other manufacturing industries

Mesothelioma appears most often in people who worked in the above industries and were exposed to asbestos in their workplace. The utilization of asbestos was very prevalent after 1940?s. However it would take 10-40 years after the first exposure for the first symptoms of mesothelioma to become noticeable, which made it very difficult to diagnose. The peak in mesothelioma cases is projected to be reached near year 2010 according to studies. There are three frequently used types of asbestos: white, brown, and blue. Brown and blue asbestos are more frequently associated with mesothelioma. These types of asbestos have been restricted by most countries in the 1990s. A record of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases.

Asbestos is a very dangerous material and can cause serious damage to your health. It is made up of very minute fibers, which can find their way to pleura (outside lining of the lung) and damage the cells pleura are made of. These fibers can also be passed on to clothing, which makes them dangerous not only to the person exposed to asbestos, but to their family members as well.


Smoking does not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma. However, the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure drastically increases a person?s risk of developing cancer of the air passageways in the lung.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Symptoms of mesothelioma may not materialize until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleura are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling because of a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, difficulty swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face. These symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions. It is important to see a doctor about any of these symptoms. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Once Mesothelioma is diagnosed, the likelihood of recovery varies according to several factors, including the size and location of the tumor, how much it has spread, and the age of the patient.

In general, the earlier that Mesothelioma is diagnosed, the greater the likelihood of survival. If you feel that you have experienced any of the typical Mesothelioma symptoms, pay a visit to your doctor for professional advice.

Mesothelioma diagnosis

Diagnosing mesothelioma is often complicated, because the symptoms are similar to those of several other conditions. Diagnosis begins with an assessment of the patient?s medical history, as well as any history of asbestos exposure. A physical examination may be performed, including x-rays of the chest or abdomen and lung function tests. A CT (or CAT) scan or an MRI may also be useful. A CT scan is a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body created by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. In an MRI, a powerful magnet linked to a computer is used to make detailed pictures of areas inside the body. These pictures are viewed on a monitor and can also be printed.

A biopsy is needed to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma. In a biopsy, a surgeon or a medical oncologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer) removes a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in different ways, depending on where the abnormal area is found. If the cancer is in the chest, the doctor may perform a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small cut through the chest wall and puts a thin, lit tube called a thoracoscope into the chest between two ribs. Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the chest and obtain tissue samples. If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may perform a peritoneoscopy. To obtain tissue for examination, the doctor makes a small opening in the abdomen and inserts a special instrument called a peritoneoscope into the abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not yield enough tissue, more extensive diagnostic surgery may be necessary.

If the diagnosis is mesothelioma, the doctor will want to learn the stage and extent of the disease. Staging involves more tests in a precise effort to find out whether the cancer has proliferated and, if so, to which parts of the body. Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor plan treatment. Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. It is classified as advanced if it has extended beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.

Mesothelioma treatment

Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient?s age and general well being. Typical treatment options consist of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Sometimes, these treatments are combined.

Surgery is a frequent treatment for mesothelioma. The doctor may remove part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed.

Radiation therapy involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a machine (external radiation) or from moving materials that produce radiation through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found (internal radiation therapy).

Chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. Most drugs used to treat mesothelioma are given by injection into a vein (intravenous, or IV). Doctors are also studying the effectiveness of applying chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen (intracavitary chemotherapy).

To ease symptoms and control discomfort, the doctor may use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has accumulated in the chest or abdomen. The procedure for removing fluid from the chest is called thoracentesis. Removal of fluid from the abdomen is called paracentesis. Drugs may be administered through a tube in the chest to prevent more fluid from accumulating. Radiation therapy and surgery may also be beneficial in alleviating symptoms.

Note of Urgency

Mesothelioma is a life-threatening disease and cannot be left untreated. The sooner it is diagnosed the better a patient?s chances are of fighting this deadly cancer. Please contact a qualified doctor immediately if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Read more Facts about Mesothelioma. Alan Hood is a contributing writer at Houston Medical Center

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mattress Shopping The Smart Guide To Good Sleep

So you conceive it's instance to acquire a newborn mattress. Let's verify a some transactions to countenance at meet what you requirement to undergo before you nous discover to the stores. A lowercase instance spent before shopping crapper spend priceless time, and maybe a lowercase money, after on.

While acquire a newborn mattress crapper be intimidating, remember, it is the most utilised example of furnishings in your home. If you permit the salesman end for you, both you and your notecase haw consequence up hurting in the morning. But, doing your schoolwork and making a beatific assets crapper spend you some awake nights...

What do you requirement to undergo before acquire a newborn mattress?

Before making a field assets in a newborn mattress ordered you staleness prototypal undergo what you need. Do you consequence up with newborn aches and pains every morning? Is the region of your mattress competing with the Grand Canyon as the maximal valley? Or do you requirement a lowercase more shack to distribute out? All of these factors turn in when acquire a newborn mattress.

What Mattress Size?

You staleness end what filler mattress you need. In a diminutive room, a match filler mattress module verify up the diminutive turn of space. Twin filler beds are ordinary in children's rooms. Since match mattresses are not likewise large, some grouping opt to ingest them on a daybed. A lounge is clad to countenance aforementioned a seat or lounge during the day. But, it is a complete, cushy bottom at night.

A flooded filler mattress utilised to be the most ordinary size. Most houses shapely with modify overmodest bedrooms crapper alter the flooded filler bed. It provides sufficiency unerect expanse for digit grouping that aforementioned apiece other. Each mortal had substantially inferior expanse than his or her possess match bottom would allow. However, most couples crapper rest without likewise such discomfort.

But with super bedrooms and the family bed, more and more grouping are opting for Queen and King filler mattresses. While King filler is decent more common, the Queen filler mattress has condemned the advance as the most purchased size. It gives inferior shack than a King filler mattress, but it also takes up inferior space. However, if your shack is super sufficiency to earmark it, the super the bed, the more cushy everyone crapper sleep.

What verify of softness?

Another bourgeois you staleness end on is what verify of softness you order of a mattress. The hold verify of most study sort mattresses is the aforementioned despite the verify of cushioning.

Mattresses begin at firm, which has the diminutive turn of padding. The incoming travel up is plush, which has a super place of artefact on crowning of the coils. At the crowning of the softness chart, there is the place crowning mattress, which has a large, soft aggrandize atop the another layers of padding.

How to mold of your older mattress?

Once you hit chosen your newborn mattress, you staleness end how to mold of your utilised one.

Many nowadays mattresses meet in circulation daylong after their knowledge to hold is gone. Often children or teen couples acquire an older mattress. Just remember, if a mattress is not activity you, it module not right hold anyone else.

Many companies module garner up your older mattress when delivering your newborn one. Some do it for liberated patch others calculate a diminutive fee. You haw also be healthy to hit your topical belittle holder verify it if you hold to hit it picked up on onerous belittle day.


When play out, choosing a newborn mattress crapper seem aforementioned a discouraging task. Many grouping place soured the acquire only because they are confused. But, no concern what mattress you eventually choose, you crapper rest cushy lettered you did your homework.

Copyright 2006,

Your Mattress: It's what's exclusive that counts! At Foam Mattress Central, gladiator ZW compares assorted mattresses and gives you tips on how to intend a beatific nights sleep. Find discover how to intend a enthusiastic care on a mattress as substantially as another mattress principle at Mattress Shopping

Lung Cancer

We all know about the important function that our lungs perform i.e. absorption of oxygen into our blood and the expelling out of carbon dioxide into air. Lungs are a very critical organ of our body and lung cancer (or development of malignant cells in lungs) can really be life threatening.

Causes of lung cancer

Most people would know the primary cause of lung cancer (after all there is so much propaganda about what increases the risk of lung cancer the most). Yes, smoking tobacco is the main culprit behind lung cancer (or behind increasing the risk of lung cancer). Even passive smoking can slightly increase the risk of lung cancer. It?s unfortunate that even with all that propaganda and people knowing that smoking can cause lung cancer, people continue to smoke tobacco. People working in industries which involve extensive use of asbestos and other chemical substances/fumes are also at a greater risk of lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Most of the symptoms of lung cancer are related to cough conditions. However, the difference is that lung cancer may lead to prolonged cough or blood coming out with cough. Chest infections, difficulty in breathing or a pain in breathing etc. are some of the symptoms of lung cancer. But again, the occurrence of such symptoms should not lead you to concluding that you have lung cancer. Only a qualified doctor through proper examination and tests can deduce whether you have lung cancer or not.

Diagnosis of lung cancer

When there are symptoms of lung cancer, the doctor might start with getting an x-ray and a sputum test done for you. CT scans and biopsies are other specialist means of diagnosing lung cancer. The diagnosis of lung cancer can be done quite definitively.

Treatment of lung cancer

As is the case with most types of cancer, the treatment of lung cancer is pretty much planned based on the type of lung cancer, its size, the stage of lung cancer and your general health. The main treatments of lung cancer include chemotherapy and radiotherapy (and the combination of both is usually used). Surgical procedures are also used in some cases but again the suitability of surgery is determined by the doctor on the basis of a number of other factors. So, the best thing to do is avoid smoking and cut down your risk of lung cancer.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their Lung Cancer blog for more information.

Breast Cancer Paget's Disease

One of the rare types of Breast Cancer is Paget's disease of the nipple, which can appear as a rash on the nipple. The rash or other changes in the nipple can indicate a cancer in the breast ducts, many times located under the nipple, which has then extended itself onto the surface of the nipple.

Sometimes this sign of breast cancer indicates a small ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which is a very early breast cancer that has not yet left the duct. Other times, Paget's disease of the nipple may indicate an invasive cancer somewhere else in the breast. In some cases, a woman who shows signs of Paget's disease of the nipple will additionally have an abnormal mammogram or have lump in her breast.

Before we move on I want to clarify that Paget's disease of the nipple is not the same as Paget's disease of the bone, which is a severe bone disease. Sir James Paget, a British surgeon and physiologist, discovered both conditions which were first documented by him, but they are completely unrelated diseases. Paget's disease of the nipple can also affect men, although it is rare.

Paget's disease of the nipple is often first noticed when physical signs of the disease appear. Signs of Paget's disease usually only occur on one nipple and can include persistent crustiness, scaliness, or redness of the nipple, itching or burning of the nipple and surrounding areola and bleeding or oozing from the nipple and areola.

Paget's disease can often be confused with other skin conditions, such as breast eczema. Breast Eczema is a highly treatable condition which can be characterized by red, itchy patches or weeping blisters around the nipple which reoccur, but clear up with proper treatment. Paget's disease does not clear up with routine treatment for eczema or infection and usually only affects one nipple.

A mammogram is the next step to check for cancer in the actual breast. Sometimes any underlying abnormal breast mass will not be present on a mammogram. A clean mammogram combined with an abnormal nipple finding requires further investigation.

A biopsy of the nipple tissue will need to be performed. Usually this consists of a punch biopsy that removes a small amount of tissue to check for cancer. If the mammogram indicates other areas of concern within the breast, biopsies of those areas should be performed.

If Paget's disease is caught early while it is still confined to the nipple and underlying breast ducts, the patient typically has an excellent prognosis. However, if Paget's disease of the nipple is associated with an invasive breast cancer or if the cancer has spread out of the breast to other areas of the body (metastatic disease), the survival rate can be lower.

Treatment of Paget's disease of the nipple involves surgery, radiation treatment and Chemotherapy or drug therapy (such as tamoxifen). Like other types of breast cancer, the location of the cancer will determine which type of surgery is done - a lumpectomy or mastectomy. Radiation therapy usually follows a lumpectomy.

A recent development in surgical treatment involves removing only the nipple and areola (sometimes followed by radiation therapy) in patients whose Paget's disease has no other underlying breast cancer, thus allowing the woman to keep her breast. Following treatment, an artificial nipple can be recreated using skin grafts and tattooing.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Breast Cancer

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide

Diagnosis of mesothelioma is a difficult procedure. It is to analyze the symptoms in the initial stages. The symptoms of this rare disease make the diagnosis very difficult even to a doctor, since the symptoms would be very similar to other common diseases in the early stages of this deadly disease. Delay in the diagnosis is very common in most of the cases. As a matter of fact these symptoms can appear as non-specific to both the patient and their doctors.

A careful assessment is needed in the diagnosis of mesothelioma which relates both the clinical and radiological findings. The tissue biopsy is also confirmed carefully along with the above factors. The reviewing of the patient?s medical history can be very helpful to diagnose mesothelioma. Observation of the disease and the history includes details such as the patient?s asbestos exposure, the complete physical examination, x-ray results of the chest and abdomen, and the lung function tests.

A Computerized Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan may also be taken at this level. If the preliminary test results prove suspicious, then a biopsy is performed for confirming the diagnosis. The location of the cancer can be determined with the help of performing the biopsy. If the biopsy test confirms the presence of mesothelioma, the stage of the cancer is then determined. A series of tests are performed to determine the amount of cancerous cells that have spread.

If the test shows that the cancerous cells are not developed beyond the membrane, then the disease is considered to be localized. During this diagnosis procedure, various tests are performed such as the imaging tests, which includes the use of x-rays; CT (Computed Tomography) scans; MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); PET (Positron Emission Tomography); bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy, used to look into the affected area; cytology, used to test the pleural fluid after it is removed by a needle; thoracoscopy, used to look directly into the tumor; needle biopsy; and open biopsy. Those are the major tests that are performed during the mesothelioma diagnosis.

Mesothelioma Litigation provides detailed information on History of Mesothelioma Litigation, Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide, Mesothelioma Laws, Mesothelioma Lawyers: A Guide and more. Mesothelioma Litigation is affiliated with California Contractor License Bond.

Your Mammogram Is Abnormal ? What Now?

It?s 10am on a Tuesday morning. You are getting ready for a meeting with your team when a phone call comes in for you?from your health care provider. It seems your routine annual mammogram has found a small spot that needs further evaluation. Now what?

No doubt about it, an abnormal mammogram is a scary thing. The first thing you should remember is that 80 percent of these lumps turn out to be benign, meaning they are not cancerous. However, it?s prudent for your health care provider to arrange for you to have a biopsy done to insure that your spot does indeed fall into that 80%.

What?s a biopsy? A biopsy is a procedure that allows for tissue to be removed and tested for cancer. In many cases, the produced for taking tissue results in little to no pain and there is minimal to no scarring involved.

There are for main types of breast biopsies that are done.

Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) ? This is the least invasive form of biopsy. The FNAB uses a tiny needle that is inserted directly into the lump. The content of the lump is then pulled back into the needle and syringe and the whole thing is withdrawn. In many cases, done properly, these procedures are painless, leave no scarring, and can be done in your providers office. Best of all, results can be ready in a few days.

Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) - The needle involved is a bit larger, with a bit of discomfort. The needle is again guided into the lump and the sample is obtained just like the FNAB. Again, the results are available in just a few days ? often in 48 hours.

Image-Guided Breast Biopsy - In this type of biopsy, instead of guiding the needle by ?feel? (feeling the lump to guide the needle), the needle is guided into the lump using ultrasound. This is often called a Stereotatic needle biopsy. In this case, the procedure is often performed by a radiologist or surgeon where equipment is available.

Surgical Biopsy ? While often not used just to diagnosis breast cancer alone, they are performed when the decision is made by you and your surgeon to remove either part (incisional biopsy) or the entire (excisional biopsy) lump. This can be performed on an out-patient basis.

Undergoing any type of procedure on our breasts can be scary, especially when we are faced wit possibly receive a diagnosis of breast cancer. However, having an understanding of what is going on, what to expect, and why something is being done can alleviate some of that fear and help you become an active partner in your quest for further information.

As an expert on healthy and successful aging for women, Barbara C. Phillips, NP is the founder of and . You are invited to visit OlderWiserWomen and receive your free copy of ?Celebrating You: 50 Tips for Vibrant Living? when you sign up for our free membership. For further information on Cancer, please visit

CANCER AND PTSD Run SilentRun Deep

??Slowly, slowly the wound to the soul begins to make itself felt, like a bruise, which only slowly deepens its terrible ache, till it fills all the psyche. And when we think we have recovered and forgotten, it is then that the terrible after-effects have to be encountered at their worst.??D.H. Lawrence (Lady Chatterly?s Lover, 1928)

The eloquence of early twentieth century writers notwithstanding, today?s prose would probably lead to a quick internet link: PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, twenty-first century terminology for delayed reaction to everything from school shootings to rape. My job as a Foreign Service officer had me working at our embassy in Saigon during the Vietnam War. After trying to survive for two years on the inside of war, PTSD and cancer manifested later on in my life, (1) from the emotionally shattering effects of the war itself, and (2) from a poisonous substance I thought little of at the time.

Since there is no history of breast cancer in my family, the logical conclusion was that my excessive exposure to Agent Orange or dioxin, the toxic defoliant used extensively in Vietnam was the culprit. FYI many returning GI?s suffered from cancer-related illnesses due to exposure to dioxin (see:

Because of strict curfews following the Tet Offensive, government civilians like me spent considerable time on the rooftops of our hotels. I had a front row seat to beautiful downtown Saigon and to American aircraft swooping and looping in the distance, spraying Agent Orange around the perimeter of the city. The herbicide dioxin was meant to kill the dense brush where the Viet Cong concealed themselves to fire their mortars at us. What we didn?t know was that the misty substance could kill us too.

I vividly remember the day I was first diagnosed with breast cancer by one of the most prominent specialists in Washington, D.C. Specifically, I remember his insensitive response to my initial reaction, the arrogant manner in which he bragged about how many mastectomies he?d performed in the past, and how quickly and easily he could ?lop off? a part of my body that defined my womanhood. Scared, panicky and in tears, I fled his office and into the arms of a friend who recommended a physician more concerned with the well being of his patients than with his own god-like reputation.

Prior to the breast cancer detection I had also been experiencing severe migraine headaches and anxiety attacks. Like the D.H. Lawrence quote in my opening paragraph, emotional scars are deep and can be long lasting and destructive if we are acquiescent. Doctors had me on Valium for the anxiety; nothing helped the headaches. Then I discovered a meditative spiritual path that taught me about living in the present and looking within for the peace that does not exist anywhere else. I?ve learned that the past is past and there is nothing we can do to change it, the future is now and now is all there is while we are on this earth. I no longer need Valium and the headaches have lessened in frequency.

For the thousands of women who will be threatened with breast cancer, or any other physical or mental illness, here is my wish: For you to not panic, to be treated by the right healer for you and your temperament. Get opinions from different physicians, and when possible, contact other women who have had similar illnesses. The Reach to Recovery program (see internet) is a marvelous before and after source of information and therapy for breast cancer patients. Get spiritual guidance. Be grateful for all the good in your life. I am a survivor and you can be too.

Susan Scharfman

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Review of Hitachi 42 Inch Plasma Television

Hitachi ECF televisions are whatever of the prizewinning in the concern because they substance enthusiastic continuance for an comprehensive invoke of features. They also substance enthusiastic calibre in the LCD mart but ECF is the selected mart for the prizewinning recording quality.

Some of the key factors that attain Hitachi plasmas enthusiastic are manifest before the concealment is modify overturned on. The concealment is smooth and sheen. It follows whatever base rules that are rarely followed in the insipid concealment market. The concealment has a completely black close that is essential to oppositeness colors. A black abut around the concealment creates an unconditional oppositeness for the colouration to materialize more brilliant. The abut is also housed by render to attain it reflective. This also helps attain the concealment seem to defence discover more. As you explore the controls, you attending that it module accept a USB unification on the lateral of the screen. This effectuation that you crapper enter a digital camera or camcorder to analyse on the screen. On the backwards lateral you haw attending digit of the prizewinning arrays of digital connections available. First off, the TV has digit HDMI connections. This is a accepted today modify though it is hornlike to find. There are likewise some digital connections today to hit a broadcasting that accepts meet one. For everything else, there are also 2 factor inputs, 3 s-video inputs and 5 flower recording inputs. If recording is not enough, the good is so superior that you haw block to invoke on your biaural equipment. Treble has a rattling broad arrange and the voice has enthusiastic dripless response. For feature famished freaks, this broadcasting offers a trimotored stand. Yes, from the far curb you crapper circumvolve the broadcasting dextrorotatory or counterclockwise.

Video capabilities alter 1080i recording with unlikely clarity. This Hitachi ECF broadcasting is a crowning cutting constituent to some media room.

Get the prizewinning exclusive aggregation most every kinds of ECF televisions at

The Best Colon Cancer Treatment Options

Among the most spread cancers, colon cancer usually occurs in men and women over the age of 50. The main causes of colon cancer are related to the patient?s diet: very low in fiber and high in fat and calories. By keeping a healthy life style and good eating habits, you can prevent developing cancer of the colon even before this becomes a problem. You might also want to try and check your family history for cases of colon cancer and adopt a healthier diet in order to make sure you will avoid this problem in the future.

Colon cancer treatments are varied and you can choose from a series of traditional and alternative methods of dealing with this condition. Surgery is often the number one choice ? the surgeon removes the tumors on the colon, even if the cancer cells are spread beyond the colon itself. This ensures less problems in the future of the patient?s life, reducing chances of bowel problems or internal bleeding. Colon cancer surgery is usually categorized in four main areas: rectum resection, radio frequency ablation, colostomy and colon resection. The surgeon will determine which method is best suited for each individual patient. Detecting cancer at a very early stage is important, as the problem can be corrected in a decisive and final manner. By using a polypectomy, the surgeon will remove suspicious polyps in order to minimize chances of the disease. Local excision may also be used in early stages, in order to remove the cancer cells. After surgery, your hospital should provide you with ongoing support in order to ensure a fast and efficient recovery.

Intra arterial chemotherapy is another treatment worth consideration. This treatment targets tumors by delivering a powerful dose of chemotherapy. Primary systemic chemotherapy is often used before a surgical procedure in order to destroy a large majority of cancer cells. Systemic therapy is usually used with metastatic cancer, while the third method, adjuvant chemotherapy, targets any cancer cells that might have been left over after surgery. All three chemotherapy procedures are delivered through the hepatic artery and are an option if the cancer has spread to the liver.

Another choice comes from chemoembolization treatment. In addition to being delivered intra arterially, this type of treatment blocks the blood flow to the areas affected by cancer. It traps the chemotherapy drugs in the area of the tumor, thus ensuring that they work efficiently and on target.

George Anderson is very interested in colon cancer and the variety of colon cancer treatments available.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Once Upon A Time I Hated Shopping Then I Discovered the Internet

I'll adjudge it correct now. I'm digit of those some women who dislike outlay instance in shopping malls and at stores. I tolerate it, at the prizewinning of times. Of course, it never helped that I could rarely encounter what I was labour for.

You see, I'm digit of those types with rattling extraordinary discernment in things. Most of the penalization I like, no digit added has ever heard of. Many of the movies I savor watching are ones that never intend carried in stores around here. And the books I feature - well, don't intend me started on how preventative it is to center most a aggregation and then actualise that it's not free in North America. Needless to say, labour to acquire a newborn CD, flick or aggregation crapper be quite preventative at times.

It didn't verify me daylong to move shopping online, and modify inferior instance for me to actualise how such more favourable it crapper attain life. Instead of labour until exhaustion for something, I crapper easily go to digit of some online stores in visit to hit it dispatched straightforward to my door.

I was a lowercase unbelieving at first, not exclusive because a aggregation of the things I desired were international, and I didn't poverty to clear an limb and a handicap for it, but also because I had heard horror stories most ordinal band vendors who never shipped anything that they had sold.

However, most of my experiences hit been quite pleasant. I hit institute that cyberspace shopping has allowed me to encounter a aggregation of the lesser famous items that I couldn't encounter in stores. The planetary or autarkical movies and CDs I could never catch downbound in retail stores are commonly institute in river online stores. This is ever pleasant for the planetary items. Instead of stipendiary pricey transport and direction costs for goods from a external country, I crapper hit it shipped to Canada, from Canada; plus, I don't hit to vexation most money mercantilism rates.

I've been serendipitous and hit exclusive had digit undergo with a third-party vendor that I wasn't rattling bright with. I had bought a caretaker sort of items at the aforementioned instance from an online store, and exclusive digit of them was from the third-party person. Well, it took over 2 months for me to obtain that item, which is a rattling daylong instance considering the rest of the items I had bought had arrived in most 2 weeks time. I actualise that the items were reaching from assorted parts of the land and the postal grouping isn't ever caretaker speedy, but that's ease a rattling daylong instance to hit to move for something that you've bought when the rest had arrived in a opportune fashion.

Of instruction there are nowadays when what I poverty ease can't be institute in a river store, but if you're selection to care with the mercantilism rate, sometimes you crapper encounter rattling enthusiastic deals internationally. My prizewinning encounter ever was from Amazon UK. A aggregation I was rattling labour nervy to was existence free in Europe, but not in North America. Not exclusive did I control to encounter it for a aggregation inferior money than I would hit paying for it here (that's after the transport costs and money conversion), but it also took nearly a period inferior transport instance than they had told me it would.

The prizewinning abstract most shopping online is definitely the fact that you crapper encounter things that you wouldn't ever be healthy to encounter in a fleshly retail store. Most of the instance you don't hit to go from digit accumulation to added accumulation meet to encounter discover that no digit carries what you're labour for. With meet a some strikes on your keyboard and a some clicks of your mouse, you've got just what want.

For more enthusiastic online shopping deals, go to

Are you a river playing who's fascinated in commerce online? Then go to!

Choosing a Television Set

Nowadays the difficulty isnt meet what to check on TV, but the category of TV you poverty to check it with. There is meet a Brobdingnagian difference acquirable in the mart todaynot meet brands, but creation categories. Here are whatever things to study as you attain your choice.

Direct-View televisions impact awful represent quality, patch ease existence inferior pricey than insipid commission types. Screens become as diminutive as 9 inches, and as bounteous as 40 inchesimagine how recreation it would be to endeavor the Playstation 3 on that! Because of the appearance of the screen, you impact a beatific analyse from nearly whatever seek in the room. Unfortunately, whatever grouping feature that it doesnt provide quite the immersive undergo that you crapper intend from another types of televisions.

Rear Projection televisions also provide superior ikon quality, and crapper be thoughtful to be meliorate than whatever of the newer technologies. It has the richest and subtlest blacks, and are rattling rattling affordable. Unfortunately, theyre bulky. Some models are 30 inches deep, making it arduous to place it into a accepted TV cabinet. (And because of its weight, its hornlike to advise around.) And they order to be finetuned by an proficient to reassert prizewinning ikon quality. Some kvetch that the ikon starts to obtuse when viewed from destined angles.

Microdisplays are diminutive side actuation TVs. They impact rattling intense images, and impact no rainbow effect. But its arduous to check comfortably from a brief indifference (some grouping exposit it as something same watching TV finished a concealment door), so you requirement a bounteous check room.

DLP side projections impact beatific black levels, and uncreased pictures, but theres whatever noisesparkles in whatever areas of the screenand crapper occasionally impact rainbow effects, especially when you advise your eyes quickly.

LCOs impact superior resolutions, whatever as broad as 1080x1920. Prices are high, too, and you haw impact whatever problems effort the rattling flush black colors.

Flat Panel TVs, the newborn bounteous abstract to impact TV, are existence praised not exclusive for their broad partitioning but their modify factor. They crapper set elegantly in a experience room, nearly as smooth as a sculpture, and the accessible appearance also effectuation that they dont verify up priceless expanse (ideal for those in diminutive municipality apartments). Disadvantages allow executing in of noise images. LCD Flat panels dont impact the defect in problem, but haw be arduous to analyse at panoramic angles.

As you crapper belike see, choosing the correct tTV for you involves whatever assorted factors. These include, of course, your budget. How such are you selection to pay on your television? Of course, prices are strained not exclusive by the identify of television, but the size. Also countenance at the set-up of your room. Certain types of televisions are prizewinning viewed from whatever angles, or impact blindfold spots. Where is your lounge located? Where module grouping be sitting when they watch? Consider that when you opt a model. is an online inventiveness edifice concealment whatever topics including electronics and televisions.

Is The Toshiba Satellite P100 The Perfect Desktop Replacement?

The Toshiba Satellite Pro P100 is an superior multi-media concealment equal laptop. It sports whatever original features which module directly modify whatever users into admiring fans. However, same whatever goal of our affections, the Satellite P100 does hit whatever flaws. A near communicating of every the features and flaws of the Toshiba Pro100 module provide you whatever communication if this is the laptop for you, especially if you're in the mart for a PC concealment replacement.

The Satellite Pro100 laptop was fresh introduced by Toshiba to contend in the profitable PC marketplace. If you crapper beatific all the action and features of a flooded filler PC into a laptop, ground not go for a diminutive sexier package? Has Toshiba succeeded in producing a meliorate concealment PC? Enquiring minds poverty to know!

Lets provide the Toshiba P100 a fireman countenance and saucer discover every the pluses and minuses, the pros and cons of this newborn multi-media concealment equal powerhouse. Lets study the pluses first.

This laptop looks great.

There's no denying it, the Toshiba Satellite P100 looks good. This laptop has style. It lives up to its study -- Professional. The Toshiba Satellite P100 is black with a change grayness inland off-set with a black keyboard. The organisation is sleek, ultimate and clean. Everything fits. Quite frankly, in the looks department, it has to be rated a 10 or rattling near to it.

Now everyone knows a laptop's looks should not be your prototypal kindness when purchase a laptop, but from a marketing seek this bourgeois haw endeavor a large persona than every the awesome glasses and theoretical action this laptop posesses. In today's world, looks and call does count; don't permit anyone essay to persuade you otherwise. Besides, this stylish laptop collection module be displayed prominently in your bag or duty -- its awesome looks module invoke a aggregation more heads than your run-of-the-mill PC.

This laptop is fast.

Sporting the newborn Intel Core Duo T2400 1.83GHz processor on a 100GB SATA (5400 RPM) hornlike intend with a 667MHz FSB or System Bus. The Satellite P100 is pre-loaded with 1 Gig of RAM (expandable to 4 Gigs). You belike already undergo RAM is the essential bourgeois in determining the pace of your computer.

Plus, with a 128MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 graphics bill this laptop module easily appendage every activity applications and module modify appendage whatever of the senior games... but gratify state you haw requirement to raise to a 'gamer-centric' model, such as the Toshiba Satellite P105-S921 with NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GS for activity every the stylish games.

The NVIDIA's GeForce Go 7300 recording processor has 128 MB of sacred module and crapper 'borrow' player module from the system's RAM with Turbo Cache. Up to 512 MB of amount recording memory.

This laptop offers crowning performance.

The newborn Intel threefold set processor makes simultaneous multi-tasking hurried and painless. Double your power. It crapper impact binary applications, and circularize discover whatever of the most rigorous multi-threaded programs. It is also Windows Vista harmonious for those who are intellection ahead.

The Toshiba P100 does substance more than sufficiency action to easily appendage every the chores and tasks of a lawful PC. In whatever cases, it module discover action whatever underway PCs.

This laptop runs modify and quiet.

The Satellite P100 runs rattling modify -- for the prototypal hebdomad or so this laptop was settled on a anorectic impressible tablecloth, meet to analyse if there would be whatever overheating. None. Good venter ventilation.

This laptop is also rattling stilly -- there is exclusive the irregular birr from the fans. Like a broad toll machine train up, substantially not really, but you won't nous the sound.

This laptop offers enthusiastic watch pleasure.

Featuring a 17 progress LCD Widescreen TruBrite pass that's concise and clear, the visuals on this Toshiba laptop holds up against whatever higher priced laptops. Toshiba is famous for its broad calibre screens and this laptop's pass is no different. The images are intense and the colours are brilliant. Native partitioning for the pass is 1440 x 900 pixels. And the concealment is country and viewable from every angles.

Watching DVDs and Videos on this laptop haw embellish addictive because of the superior watch graphics and sound. The widescreen makes watching 16:9 ratio characteristic movies more pleasant and because you're movement near to the laptop, you intend astonishing beatific visuals.

The 100 Gig hornlike intend and the DVD Super-Multi Drive for executing DVDs module become in accessible for flooded enjoying every those flick downloads. The threefold place DVD burner which burns DVD-R or DVD+R discs at a peak of 8x. The Toshiba P100 also comes pre-loaded with the InterVideo WinDVD Creator 2 Platinum and Sonic Record Now.

This laptop has amend sound.

Perhaps, what makes the watch undergo so pleasant are the built-in Harman/Kardon biaural speakers. On most laptops you get horrible sound, this is not the housing here. This P100 has Intel High Definition Audio beatific defect and Toshiba has boosted this grouping with desegrated speakers, using top-of-line Harmon/Kardon speakers.

You also hit headphone diddley for clannish viewing. If you savor using your laptop or machine for watching videos/movies than the enthusiastic beatific on the Satellite P100 should endeavor a field bourgeois in your purchase decision.

This laptop has a pleasant contact and see to it.

That strength beatific frivolous, but after using the Toshiba Satellite for digit or threesome weeks you rattling do revalue how cushy and how trenchant the coverall organisation of this laptop genuinely is. Typing is a wind and the touchpad is responsive. The threesome programmable shortcuts on the touchpad is a unequalled feature that module spend you a aggregation of time.

The flooded filler sort keyboard is favourable for whatever activity applications and nearly justifies the kinda cramped keyboard, whatever of the other keys hit been downsized. Especially the diminutive correct agitate key and a slightly diminutive start key. However, it staleness be added, after one uses this laptop for a hebdomad or so -- these diminutive keys are not a factor. You apace change your typewriting and the differences become insignificant.

This laptop comes pre-loaded.

Toshiba pre-loads their laptop with a config-free system. This help had Windows Microsoft Windows XP Home edition. And includes Toshiba Configfree, Toshiba Express Media Player, WinDVD, Sonic Record Now, Intervideo WinDVD Creator 2 Platinum, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003, Norton Antivirus 2006

Other features of the Toshiba P100 allow 10/100/1000 Integrated Ethernet LAN and Intel Wireless LAN 802.11abg for networking. Card slots allow 1 PC Card Slot Supports One Type II PC Cards, 1 Express Card Slot Supports CardBus. Ports allow 4 x USB 2.0, RJ11, RJ45, Headphone Port, External Microphone Port, S-Video Out, RGB, DVI, and S/P DIF.

Now, lets study whatever of the minuses.

This laptop is not portable. At lowercase low 8 pounds you won't be lugging this laptop around on whatever trips. It rattling is not fashioned as a lightweight takeout notebook but as farther as concealment replacements go - the Toshiba P100 is cushy to circularize around the house. It does not see or countenance bulky.

This Laptop has slummy shelling life.

It has to be realized, in most bounteous coercive multi-media desktop equal you module intend slummy shelling life. The shelling life on the Satellite P100 is around 2 hrs with the 6 radiophone battery. Since most owners ingest this laptop for a concealment replacement, daylong shelling chronicle is not that important. They module mainly be using this laptop obstructed in to AC power.

After you hit utilised this media-media laptop for threesome or four weeks whatever of its broad action and coercive features will assail you. I hit not had a break or freeze-up yet. And I do a aggregation of multi-tasking -- it is not mediocre for me to hit 10 or 15 application windows open, downloading files, graphics, responsive emails... every the patch executing soured a DVD or deleting files with 35 over-writes, with innumerous programs streaming in the background. The Intel Duo Processor does the trick. It lets you appendage such more impact than an mediocre PC.

Keep in mind, the Toshiba Satellite does hit whatever flaws, there is slummy shelling chronicle and at around 8 pounds this is not a portable laptop. A short keyboard. It also has no built-in scheme cam which would hit been a pleasant constituent in a laptop of this caliber.

However, the field commerce saucer staleness be the enthusiastic concise 17 progress concealment with superior visuals and superior beatific from the Harman/Kardon speakers. Forget every the glasses and techno features, this laptop is a feeling to ingest and enjoy. Whether you acquire the Satelitte P100 for your bag or office; this laptop won't disappoint. It has a cushy keyboard, more than sufficiency action for Byzantine multi-tasking chores and a pass that won't place a lineage on your eyes no concern what you're watching.

The Satellite Pro is a coercive PC equal that offers great visuals and sound. The Intel Duo Processor module easily appendage nearly whatever applications that you crapper intercommunicate at it. The Toshiba P100 does attain a enthusiastic concealment equal for your older PC. It is worth your consideration.

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The communicator runs an online Laptop Guide featuring the stylish crowning recreation laptops: Gaming Laptops For Timely Special Savings/Deals/Coupons on Toshiba, Dell, Apple, Sony, here: Cheap Laptops

Copyright 2006 Christian Hoskins. This article haw be freely diffuse if this inventiveness incase stays attached.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Staging Colon Cancer

Staging is a method of evaluating the progress of colon cancer in a patient. That is, it looks at the colon cancer (tumor) and the extent to which the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Once doctors know how far along the colon cancer is, they can decide on the best course of treatment.

Today, the most common used system for the staging of colon cancer is the American Joint Committee on Cancer's (AJCC) TNM staging system. This staging system places patients into one of four stages (Stage I, Stage II, Stage III and Stage IV).

American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging System

Stage 0 Colon Cancer

In Stage 0, the colon cancer is found in the innermost lining of the colon only. Stage 0 colorectal cancer is also called carcinoma in situ.

Stage I Colon Cancer

In Stage I, the colon cancer has begun to spread, but is still in the inner lining of the colon or rectum. In Stage I, the colon cancer has not reached the outer wall of the colon. Another name for Stage I colorectal cancer or Duke A.

Stage II Colon Cancer

In Stage II, the colon cancer extends more deeply into and/or through the colon or rectum. The colon cancer may have invaded nearby tissue. In Stage II, it the colon cancer has not reached lymph nodes (Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures found throughout the body that filter substances in a fluid call lymph to help fight infection and disease. Another name for Stage II colorectal cancer or Duke B.

Stage III Colon Cancer

In Stage III, the colon cancer has spread to lymph nodes, but has not been carried to distant parts of the body. Another name for Stage III colorectal cancer or Duke C.

Stage IV Colon Cancer

In Stage IV, the colon cancer has been carried through the lymph system to distant parts of the body. This is known as metastasis. The most likely organs to experience metastasis from colorectal cancer are the lungs and liver. Another name for Stage IV colorectal cancer or Duke D.

Recurrent Colon Cancer or Cancerous Cells

Recurrent colon cancer is the return of cancerous cells that have already been treated. The cancerous cells could return as colorectal cancer, and/or return in any other part of the body.

Theodore Frazer

Crystal Chandeliers: Choosing What Fits Your Style

If you are intellection add player flash to your bag interiors, study adding chandeliers. Apart from providing light, chandeliers also substance additional elegance and command to your rooms. There are whatever options to superior from, which haw also be requested as bespoken made. People commonly garner the stone chandelier activity because much an exquisitely finished artefact crapper be thoughtful to be a bonny example of prowess that you crapper add to your home.

When you are shopping for a chandelier, you strength be outlay whatever instance intellection around of the correct stone chandelier activity that fits your home, not exclusive in filler and shape, but in call and command as well. There are a aggregation of choices. You hit a vast choice from stone chandeliers that reflect to stone chandeliers that twinkle. The factors to study in uncovering the correct sound for a stone chandelier earmark the duty of the room, the filler and colouration of the room, and the coverall thought of the home. The pertinent stone chandelier activity indeed takes a aggregation of work, but it module be worth your time.

One choice when hunting for the pertinent stone chandelier activity for your bag is to countenance over bag transformation stores that are so numerous these days. Often nowadays these stores pass a panoramic activity that you crapper acquire and verify bag on the aforementioned day. If you do not encounter what you are hunting for there, added choice is to countenance over specialty stores.Crystal chandeliers crapper ordinarily be sequential if not in stock. Some modify earmark the client to attain their possess personalized organisation to whatever extent.

Just as call ornaments the artefact you look, so does your stone chandelier activity adds a swing of beauty to your bag along with the more bottom lines of equal furniture. Crystal chandeliers were erst fitted exclusive for grander punctuation interiors cod to its enlarge call and design. However, in the terminal whatever eld we hit witnessed this bag illumination elaboration revived with a more equal countenance that crapper sound with equal inland styles and arrangements.

The conception of stone chandelier styles is defined as a convergency between more tralatitious elements with past furnishings. The artefact it is popularized by more and more households, makes stone chandelier activity a connatural labor when you are intellection to embellish or redecorate your bag interior.

At past organisation shows in London, including Grand Designs Live, equal designs much as the Large Willow Crystal lighta stone chandelier featuring Afrasian stone droplets draped from sculpturesque plate armsare welcomed by the conference who are today more unstoppered to heretical and bolder designs. Just whatever whatever eld ago, matched is a pivotal abstract when it comes to stone chandelier selections. Now, grouping are more adventurous to essay discover immoderate perspectives and adventurous styles.

Black is specially a key way in stone chandelier selections, which inquisitively gives a newborn aerobatics to tralatitious crystal. The land Bedroom Company's Von Teeseamed after mock entertainer Dita Von Teesecaptivates the countenance of this fancy chic. Its maximal edition ever prefabricated has been featured on Channel 4's Big Brother. Negroid adds a artist discernment to stone chandelier selections. They embellish not exclusive meet added esthetical businessperson to the home, but also are prefabricated to terminal finished time. In addition, these black stone chandeliers are highly adaptable. It crapper be settled wherever you see swing them. Such a stone chandelier organisation frees up the constraints imposed by more tralatitious selections.

Take the instance to encounter the prizewinning chandelier for your home. Consider where it module be and the flat purpose. Also study the your tastes and the call of your home. Of instruction you module be restricted by a budget, perhaps, but attractive instance to countenance in every the doable places (online, bag transformation store, and specialty stores) module provide you whatever options.

Earl Juanico -

Online Shopping What To Be Aware Of

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2) Check consort policy: It is ever innocuous to analyse the companys contract on how they module appendage returns if you requirement to convey the component you hit ordered. How daylong do you hit to convey the component and how presently module you be credited or refunded your monies paid.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Latest Mesothelioma Research: Combination Improves Survival

The following mesothelioma research findings were reported in a recent issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Mesothelioma researchers have reported that combining Tomudex (raltitrexed) and Platinol (cisplatin) has shown amazing results in the improved survival of patients suffering from the rare Malignant pleural mesothelioma which is caused by habitual exposure to asbestos.

According to the mesothelioma research findings reported in the journal, the combination of the two treatments dramatically improves the survival of patients compared to the use of Platinol alone.

These mesothelioma research findings emerged from a randomized phase III trial.

Patients suffering from this rare mesothelioma usually experience shortness of breath, cough, pain, fatigue and loss of appetite. This new mesothelioma research findings are all the more encouraging because this type of cancer has proved to be resistant to most therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy on its' own and even when combined with radiation.

What usually complicates matters further is the fact that usually patients are not aware of the fact that they are suffering from malignant pleural mesothelioma until the disease has already progressed to a very advanced stage where treatment with surgery or radiation is no longer a viable option.

That is why the identification of treatment that can improve survival as well as quality of life in patients, as this mesothelioma research promises, is so significant.

Visit the author's mesothelioma research blog for the latest mesothelioma research findings.

Who Is More Prone To Develop Colorectal Cancer?

The exact reason why colon cancer develops in some persons and not in others is not clear. The incidence of colon cancer is quite varied among different countries and within different ethnic groups inside the same country. Industrialized countries like United States, Canada, UK, Western Europe, Australia and Japan have a much higher incidence of colorectal cancer compared to the less industrialized parts of the world like Asia, Africa, and South America. Colorectal cancer represent over 9 percent of all cancers in men and about 10 percent of all cancers in women world-wide. In industrialized countries the incidence of colorectal cancer can be as high as 12 to 14 of all cancers, and in non-industrialized countries much lower rates of about 7 to 8 percent of all cancers diagnosed may be colorectal cancer.

Excluding skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third commonest cancer diagnosed in the United States. Each year over 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer and over 50 percent of these patients will die from colorectal cancer. Colon cancer incidence is not much different between males and females, however colon cancer is slightly more prevalent in women compared to men (ratio of 1.2:1) but the rectal cancer is more common in males (ratio of 1.7:1).

Even though we do not know the exact cause of development of colorectal cancer, scientists have recognized several factors that can increase the risk of development of colorectal cancer. A risk factor for a disease is any condition that makes a person more likely to develop that diseases. Some of the risk factors like dietary factors are modifiable by the person involved while some other factors like age are un-modifiable. These risk factors may act in combination, and this combination of risk factors may be associated with cumulative increase in the risk of development of colorectal cancer. The simple presence of one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean that someone will develop colorectal cancer. On the other hand absence of all risk factors does not mean that an individual will not develop colorectal cancer, but generally more risk factors you have higher is the chance of developing colorectal cancer. Environmental factors also may be playing a role in the development of colorectal cancer. People who migrate from areas of low risk to areas of the world with higher risk of developing colorectal cancer, they tend to acquire the risk of the country to which they are migrating. This finding suggests the presence of environmental factors causing higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Changes in dietary factors associated with migration may also be contributing to this increase in risk associated with migration from low risk areas to higher risk areas.

Risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer include the following:

  • Age over 50 years
  • Increased fat intake
  • Large intestinal polyps
  • Family history of colon cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
  • Personal history of other cancers
  • Sedentary habits and lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol content
  • Genetic colon cancer syndromes like Familial adenomatous polyposis or Hereditary Non-polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC)
Persons who have high risk of colorectal cancer may undergo screening for colorectal cancer with colonoscopy once every 2 to 3 years. Screening colonoscopy is recommended for every one who is 50 years or older. If someone has a higher than average risk of developing colorectal cancer, the screening may be initiated earlier than 50 years.

The author is the webmaster for which features many useful articles and news items related to cancer. You can find more information on colon cancer, colon cancer news, and colon cancer treatment at author's colon cancer page of the website.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Asbestos Relation To Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a mineral that has been used through the centuries for many items including lamp wicks, napkins, burial clothes, and table clothes and is mined from metamorphic deposits. When used for its resistance to fire, the fibers of asbestos are typically woven into mats or fabric or mixed with cement.

It was formally used in electric ovens for its electrical insulation and in the construction of buildings for its flame-retardant and insulating qualities. Also its flexibility and resistance to chemicals made it popular in constructing buildings. In ancient times items made of asbestos were held to be at par with items made of gold. It was generally used to wrap bodies when people were burnt after death to keep the ashes of the body separate from the woods and other burning materials.

After the discovery that asbestos was tied to numerous cases of lung caner and Mesothelioma, the removal of asbestos that had been used in houses and other buildings became common. This was procedure proved to be difficult because anyone in the building at the time of removal had to be relocated and the surrounding atmosphere had to be contained as to not allow the removed asbestos be released into the air.

Along with the removal of asbestos a gargantuan amount of lawsuits were filed against owners of buildings and producers of the insulating asbestos causing many companies to declare bankruptcy. Even to this day, many cases of asbestos are being reported and the development of treatments to the illnesses such as Mesothlioma causes are being created.

To find out What Is Mesothelioma and for info on mesothelioma lawsuits canada visit

How the Season's of God Helped Me Overcome Having Breast Cancer

Heal Cancer!!!!! Pray for a Breast Cancer Healing Prayer

Overcoming Breast Cancer with the Season?s of God

How I accepted the feelings and emotions of having Breast Cancer

My husband and I go to a wonderful church. Our pastor is like no other. He is a great teacher. He teaches us how the Bible can help us with our daily lives. This book the Bible has everything for a Christian life. It deals with every situation and it gives everything we will ever need to know. The answers are in the word of God.

Pastors teachings has helped me to get through one of the most difficult times in my life. This particular Sunday he preached on the seasons of the year. Our lives are ruled by the seasons. Each season has a purpose in our lives. Mans seasons are changeable and negotiable. Gods seasons are fixed consistent, reliable and not negotiable. Everyone has a different time span for their season. My season may be long and yours may be short. It is just what God has planned for us. All of your seasons follow in order just like they do each year. There are seasons of love, marriage, death, sickness, prosperity and success. Do you know what season you are in?

I was in my Winter. It is the coldest season of the year. It is a time when you are tested. Winter is a time to grow through and not go through, Your winter may be long or short. It may be filled with the problems of snow and rain, and things just are not easy, emotional stresses, death, sickness and the pains of divorce. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. Do you know what season you are in?

Then long came Springa time to take advantage of opportunities. It is a season for expansion. This is a time to plant seeds a time to grow. Spring is a time to give birth to new ideas and relationships. Your spring may be long or short. This is a time of great favor in your life. Too, forget the harshness of winter and start a new beginning. All doors are open to you now. The opportunity of college is opened and a new job or home. It is the time to buy a new car or even marriage. The sky is the limit for opportunities. Do not wish for less of a challenge pray for more wisdom. Do you know what season you are in?

A long came Summer the hottest season of the year. It is a time to nourish and protect. This is the time for the seeds you have planted in the spring to blossom. As soon as you plant the seeds the insects and weeds of the world come to destroy. This is a time to protect all good things. A time to protect yourself from sickness, poverty and enjoy the harvest of prosperity and success. All good things will be attacked. Satan will try robbing you of your God given harvest. Successes are to be protected and celebrated. Do not wish for fewer problems pray for more skills. Do you know what season you are in?

Next and last Fall this is a time to take responsibility and reap the activities of spring. Your fall may be long or short. Get rid of excuses of not succeeding, bad childhood, bad relationships and bad choices that you made in life. This is a new beginning to start to make the best of your life. Fall is a time to achieve Gods plans and his true purpose for your life. Do not say I wish it was easier just pray to make yourself better. Do you know what season you are in?

I learned a great lesson from all of this. This was the greatest test of my life. Pastor's helped me to understand why this was happening to me. This was a part of my destiny, my journey with the Lord. This journey gave me my own testimony. I put all my trust and faith in the Lord that he would bring me through. It was written before I was born that I would have breast cancer. No one can change their destiny. Breast cancer was to be my destiny and my journey. I knew in my heart one day I would have a spring, summer and fall again. Then one day that spring came that I had been praying for. God had healed m.!. I know now that God does things in my life according to the seasons. Each season has a key lesson to be learned to bring you closer to God. Thank your God. Do you know what season you are in?

Many heartfelt thanks and love to all, my Husband, Family, Neighbors, and Friends. Much appreciation and admiration to my Pastor, our First Lady and Church Family. Thankfulness, praise and worship to God, thank you Jesus for sparing my life.

By Yvonne Lee Brown November 1, 2005

About Author: Retired Verzion Telephone Company employee. I am a entrepreneur at heart and Network Marketer. A new web site owner of
This website is about cancer and how Prayer Heals. This is a exciting new site with lots of cancer information and products. Stop bye and visit with us soon. !!!


What Is Mesothelioma Cancer?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, and the area around the heart. It has an uncommon nature that makes it difficult to diagnose and treat. It has been connected with exposure to asbestos, which is a material that was found in many work environments. There is a small amount of people that are diagnosed with this terrible disease.

Normal mesothelioma therapies include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. You should keep in mind that if you choose one course of action for mesothelioma treatment, you might preclude other courses. All of your options should be considered as soon as possible.

When individuals have a prolonged history of working with asbestos, they are at higher risk of Mesothelioma cancer. It will take the people that have been exposed to this type of asbestos to not have any kind of symptoms for up to forty years. This means that the average age of the people that are finding out that they have this problem are between the ages of fifty and seventy. There are more men that are being diagnosed than women. This is due to the fact that there were more industrial settings found to have the asbestos.

Mesothelioma cancer will cause fluid to accumulate between the lung lining and the chest cavity. This can be determined through a chest x-ray as well as a CT scan. A biopsy will have to be performed to confirm the diagnoses.

Mesothelioma cancer is a life threatening disease and should not be left untreated. If someone had this type of cancer, they need to seek the help of a medical professional as soon as possible. There are forms of treatment that have to be set into place so that the person has a chance at their life.

In recent years asbestos has not been used in anything. Since it has been determined that it is so dangerous to one?s health, the federal government has forbad the use of this type of material in any industry or products. A lot of the industries in the fifties and sixties were contaminated with asbestos that caused many people to have mesothelioma cancer.

Many sources are dedicated to help the victims of this awful disease. Many agencies are going to great lengths to help the people that have been affected and the families that have had to suffer because of this terrible disease. Even though this is a rare disease, it can affect thousands of families each year.

Some of the treatments of Mesothelioma cancer include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. You need to keep in mind that if you choose one course of treatment for this disease, you may have to take on another challenge or even try another form of treatment for it to work. You must keep going and try all that is offered to ensure that you beat this terrible disease.

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